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For Individuals

What is a Smishing confirmation service?

  • A service that allows users to directly ask KISA to check whether a received text message (message) is malicious, such as smishing.

Service targets

  • Support Targets

    • Any citizen

Service details

  • There is a need for citizens to have a way to check whether incoming messages are smishing and prevent damage.

  • Spreading smishing texts through various media such as mobile messengers in addition to basic text messages.

  • Even though the distribution of smishing text messages causing damage to the public is rapidly increasing, it only relies on the judgment of individual citizens.

Through “KrCERT/CC”(KISA Internet Infringement Response Center)
Citizens can directly query suspicious messages to check whether they are malicious.
  • Three responses are provided: normal, caution, and malicious. The first reported message is marked as ‘Caution’.
  • Upon re-examination after 10 minutes, ‘normal’ or ‘malignant’ is determined and a reply is sent to the inquirer.