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What is a DDoS Cyber ​​Shelter? Service Home

  • The IP address or domain of a site under a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is temporarily moved to a shelter, the incoming traffic is analyzed, normal traffic is connected to the site, and traffic suspected of being attacked is filtered out to ensure stable operation. We provide DDoS cyber shelters to make this possible.

Service details

Service details
Service details
    1. Pre-registration website(Advance document submission, Service environment analysis, Qualification screening, General technical support)
    2. DDoS attack occurs
    3. Application for defense service application
    4. Apply defense service (change DNS information of protected website)
    5. DDoS attack response and monitoring/DDoos attack extinction
    6. Notification of post-monitoring and DDos defense service results
    1. Non-pre-registered website(Urgent application)
    2. DDoS attack occurs
    3. Confirm required information (verbally)
    4. Shelter Registration_Request for required documents after applying service
    5. Application for defense service application
    6. DDoS attack response and monitoring/DDoos attack extinction
    7. Notification of post-monitoring and DDos defense service results